fostering a grateful spirit

"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely." -Roald Dahl

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sweet friends {day 356}


I am grateful for a morning spent hanging out with a family I love, for homemade pizza for lunch (I even made some yummy gf pizza for me), and for laughter. I have known these kiddos pretty much their whole lives and it’s fun that they’re old enough now that I just get to hang out with them (and make sure the house doesn’t burn down). it’s definitely a blessing to have people in my life that I have known for so long and who know me so well. 🙂

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surrounded by generosity {day 257}

Today I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the generosity that I am surrounded by. friends, acquaintances and strangers offering to help with the fundraiser we are putting together. an employee offering a place to stay to another employee whose house flooded. I am just so thankful for the willingness of the people around me to serve others. I. am. blessed.

I also made a bowl that actually looks like a bowl in ceramics today. Thankful for small miracles. 🙂

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didn’t feel like a Monday {day 242}




Today did not feel like a Monday in the best possible way. It was warm, I finally felt close to normal again so I was able to run needed errands and spend a little time with my friend Jenni and her cutie kiddos. Then, this evening, I got to clean fruits and veggies and make lunches for tomorrow while sweet hubs made quesadilla burgers. They were delicious, and I really enjoyed chatting and making good food together.

What’s the best thing you’ve concocted in the kitchen lately?

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family {day 224}



tonight I’m grateful for family, in all it’s forms. I have been blessed to be born into an amazing (slightly crazy) family with parents who love each other and us. I love the sweet little family that drew and I chose, and the ways that God has made us feel more and more like a family over the last 17 months of marriage. I am also so grateful for the friends from all different places that become family…students and their families, young life kids and leaders, college friends, high school friends and their families, work friends. I am feeling blessed.

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my people {day 212}


this morning I was driving to work and heard a song on the radio that reminded me how much of a blessing it is to have “my people”- the ones you go to first with the good news and the bad, who you have goofy traditions with like taking pictures of silly faces, who have been with you on the days that feel totally insurmountable, who you’ve shared meals with and had meals delivered from, who pray for and with you and who know all about your crazy family and your worst habits. I have an amazing (and strangely assembled) friend group. 2 friends from college, another friend from my college but who I met at the restaurant we worked at over our shared love of (obsession with) Mulan, a dear friend who is the sister of an old friend, a friend whose kids I’ve babysat for 15 years, a sister in law, an aunt, my mom. and those are just some of the amazing women I get to call friends. I was (and am) completely overwhelmed when thinking about what a blessing it is to have these amazing ladies to share life and meals and joys and burdens with. I love the weird and beautiful ways God has given me these friendships. I don’t know what I’d do without my people.

support {day 107}

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grateful for a cozy place that is ready to keep me comfortable while I am recovering, for my sweet hubs who has been cleaning and helping me prepare, for sweet friends who have offered us meals, prayers, distraction and laughter.


and for verses that keep me grounded, change my focus, remind me who I am and who my hope is in.